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Federation addresses a variety of
professional and age related interests to bring people together,
to build a thriving and vibrant Jewish community.

Try them all.



The Federation fosters Jewish communal life through the spirit of tzedakah (righteousness) and tikkun olam (social justice). The Federation's mandate is to initiate, to coordinate and to preserve activities, which strengthen Jewish life locally, in Israel and throughout the world.





At this pivotal time of their lives, Federation offers programs and scholarships geared toward instilling in teens a strong sense of self, while becoming an integral part of their local and global Jewish communities.



Through these social and professional groups, the adults in our community have fun and build relationships, while building a stronger Jewish community.



While dedicating their time and financial resources toward shared values, members of these groups build personal and professional relationships that strengthen the Jewish community both in Ann Arbor, in Israel and throughout the world. We invite you to join a group today!